What do superheroes... Spam... "The THING?"... Yoda... snipe... eighteen-pound dictionaries... Jell-O... flatulence... and cancer all have in common?

Until now, not much.

But, Flying with Scissors: A Different Perspective on Childhood Cancer changes all that by weaving these and other unlikely topics into a totally unique look at childhood cancer and the kids who have moved beyond the illness. Having trained under the greatest guru of all-life-these kids are set on reminding us that the world is not made up of problems, but of dreams, hope, and triumph.

Hilarious and heartfelt, Flying with Scissors takes the personal experiences and insights of children who have battled cancer and turns them into universal truths that relate to each of us. It provides a non-traditional look at a typically solemn topic. Flying with Scissors is a resource and companion for anyone close to a child going through the cancer experience. More importantly, Flying with Scissors provides guidance for all of us, valuable insights for living life-every, every day.

And, like DC Comics used to say, "It's more fun than a barrel full of genetically-altered winged monkeys!"


A former disc jockey-turned-Registered Nurse, Bob has spent the past fifteen years working in hospitals.pediatrics, ER, ICU.and traveling throughout the world with medical and surgical teams providing free care to children less privileged than our own. He loves providing care to those in need.

One of Bob's most gratifying experiences, however, has been volunteering at Arizona Camp Sunrise, an oncology camp sponsored by the American Cancer Society. In his tenth year as a camp counselor, "Uncle Bob" (as he is affectionately known by campers and fellow counselors alike) incorporates his nursing skills with his extensive knowledge of midnight raids, the aerodynamic properties of food, and the funny and often pungent nature of flatulence. The children, in turn, have firmly embedded themselves as role models in his life. **

Continually awed by their strength, and humbled by their wisdom, Uncle Bob set out to introduce these amazing children, these modern-day real-life superheroes, to the rest of us. They have so much to teach, and we, the healthy, have so much to learn.