Flying with Scissors is a truly inspirational book. In fact, it's a work of art. The humor and illustrations will have you laughing and crying. Though non-fiction, the story read like a novel. It was honest, funny, daring at times, and extremely well-written.
Flying With Scissors is the funniest book about children with cancer you'll ever read. Guaranteed. [See full article below.]
Informative, helpful and remarkably entertaining! Flying With Scissors is not only a must read for anyone and everyone affected by cancer, it is therapy for all of us, and a manual on how to get the most out of life.
(Clinical Specialist In Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing)
"Go for it, man. Truly touching stories.."
I'm here to warn you that Flying With Scissors is not like those other [cancer] books. It's different, and, more importantly, it's fun. No, it doesn't deny the horrors of cancer, but it doesn't dwell on them either. Instead, it is about triumph, perseverance and laughter. You'll see.
This book has so much heart, you can't help but love Uncle Bob and his amazing experiences with these kids. I connected with this book on more levels than you could know; it reaches out to you and speaks to your deepest fears- and helps you laugh at them.
This book, like the children of Arizona Camp Sunrise, delivers a powerful message in a small package.
This isn't one of those sad, heart wrenching books about kids with cancer. It's a must read for everyone, even if you don't personally know a child with cancer. It reminds us that there is more to life than what we take for granted.